Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Advertiser of sites

All the and employment opportunities published on this site are from other sites advertiser If you want us to delete any posting or Job Vacancy, mail us with the url or address of that job vacancy to email and we will remove it in no time your job from our blog.

Example :- http://job-game.blogspot.com/2008/01/disclaimer.html

Job seeker

We have take job from other site this job we dont tell that job are right information.Jobseekers are advised to verify the information for themselves. We are not responsible for any false claims made by any of the advertiser on the other site and for the loss (financial or other) to any jobseeker by using the information published on this site. We always strive to give you the most authentic information Employment opportunities.If you find any wrong information or false claims on this site please mail us

Site :- http://job-game.blogspot.com

Email:- fresherhelp@gmail.com