Monday, June 16, 2008

Enhancing Changes of Success

By making personality attractive, one can progress in life and perform his tasks exceedingly well. Developing a good individuality is as important as being civilized. Physical attributes and assets do play a role in shaping up the personality. But, beauty should not be defined strictly in terms of physical features and youth alone. Beauty includes intelligence, character, knowledge, warmth, posture, speech, personal style, skill and much more.As years pass by, maturity, experience, will and compatibility get better. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.@The following would help in making your personality attractive:- Fill your mind with thoughts that make you happy.

They reflect in your face.- Resolve to forget things that caused you discontentment.- Cultivate to have a cool and calm facial expression (Looking in the mirror would help).- Stand erect. Let positive thoughts flow through your mind. Throw away the opposing/negative thoughts.- Recollect kind thoughts.- Seek God's help to reflect his good qualities in you.- Be kind to others. Be grateful to those who show kindness towards you.- Be natural. Go out with the belief that your inherent shine is radiating from you. (Do not however become proud or arrogant). We must enjoy doing what we love and love what we do with a pride. The fainthearted do not pick the roses in their gardens for fear of thorns; the forceful know that one must run the risk of being pricked if one wishes to harvest the best flowers. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. An attempt has been made to present here some points that will help us to become successful.


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