Monday, June 16, 2008

JVM Tips for interview

Recently TECHFREAK broadcasts SMS on JVM topics. Have a glance at it.

* JVM OutOfMemoryError ? Possible solutions 2:Increase the maximum heap size with -Xmx parameter

* Employment outlook in the ITeS and the telecom sectors looks up for the coming quarter.Read at Business Line, January 15, 2008.

* The JVM heap is where all Java objects are stored, as well as memory used by the garbage collector.The typical Max size is 64MB on 32bit OS.

* JVM OutOfMemoryError ? Possible solutions 1: Reduce the amount of memory being used by your application

* 4.Quiz: SMTP stands for...?Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is the widely used protocol for outgoing. e-mail.It uses TCP port numbr 25.

* JVM Facts:On experimental basis,JDK5 includes tools to monitor JVM performance & resource consumption.It includes jconsole,jps,jstat,jstatd.

* JVM Facts : The JVM verifies all bytecode before it is executed. Thats why no user written program can "crash" the host machine normally.

* JVM Facts:Different JVM is required for different OS like Linux,OS/2,Windows,MAC etc but any JVM can run the same version of a Java program


Just imagine , what would have your response , if these question were asked to you in Interview? Are u updated??

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